
Passing business ownership on to commercial partners or within families can be challenging, especially when more than one person aspires to take control. Preparing to pass on your estate can be particularly emotional for all parties concerned. However, a viable succession plan for your business or personal estate will reduce uncertainty and stress for all stakeholders – present and future.

At Bradfield Partners we will work closely with you to understand your professional and personal circumstances. Then we will assist you to develop a succession plan that minimises all financial, non financial and legal risks associated with the hand over of business leadership and assets. Furthermore, the advice we offer will enable the beneficiaries of your business or estate to maximise the opportunities that their inheritance presents.

As part of our service, we will work with you to objectively identify future leaders for your business or beneficiaries of your estate.

In the case of business succession, we can assist you to build leadership skills, plan your future business structure and establish realistic milestones. Then we’ll guide both existing and future leaders through the handover, in the process assisting you to achieve a smooth transition in management with minimal disruption to business procedures. Naturally, as part of our service, we’ll provide comprehensive financial advice and work closely with your own legal advisors to ensure full compliance with Australian company legislation. In addition, we can assist your future business leaders to maximise their personal retirement opportunities through wealth creation strategies, superannuation and financial planning advice.

At Bradfield Partners, we enjoy long-term, professional relationships with all of our clients. We invite you to attend a confidential meeting, at no charge, to discuss your personal and professional succession plan.


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